With heartfelt gratitude, welcome to my website and blog!
Having visitors to my site is like having visitors to my home.
The information I share on my site is presented with a lot of thought and sincerity.
I hope that I offer my expertise, knowledge, and personal experiences to initiate positivity in others. I am a helper at heart.
In my life, I’ve met some wonderful and sometimes less than wonderful people. But even less than wonderful people are here to teach us a lesson. I am an eternal optimist and want to see the good in the world.
So, with all of that said, I’m excited to have you here!
Some blog posts will resonate with you and some not. Like a restaurant buffet, pick and choose to read what grabs your attention.
My blog will be filled with inspirational stories of clients (with names changed for confidentiality) and stories of phenomenal other people who have filled my heart with joy. Those are the stories I want to tell. The ones that make a difference for the better.
As a deep thinker and a profound observer of people and everyday happenings, I like to write my thoughts down. Therefore, within my blog are not only helpful posts on the skill and art of expressing one’s self, but also personal experiences and observations of life.
So, again, welcome! I am thankful you are here for a visit. Over time, I hope that you come back for a dose of knowledge, positivity, and community.