Children’s Therapy Group

“We rise by lifting others.”
– Robert Ingersol

Here’s what it’s all about…

I offer an online small-group format (up to 4 kids) as a bridge from individual sessions to graduation from speech therapy. Your child’s new skills must transfer over to talking with different people in a different environment. Kids are comfortable speaking in a safe one-to-one setting with me. But that’s not the real world.

As your child starts to improve and perfect his or her articulation skills, they need more practice speaking with others beyond our therapy sessions and their immediate family.

The highlight of my private sessions is when my clients can speak to me with more ease and flow in a conversation.

I’ve witnessed kids who have spoken to me with 100% perfect pronunciation in a private session. Then, the minute they are set free from my safety net, those same kids revert to all those poor speaking habits among their school friends and other adults. They haven’t learned to monitor their speaking skills in the real world.

Continued improvement in the new setting…

The next step in speech therapy is to learn how to keep track of themselves when conversing with friends, family, and other people.

This can be a scary step for a lot of kids. They always have to remember to use their proper articulation skills.

A group session is a time for your child to start the carryover process from an individual session with me to now speaking with new people.

At this stage, I teach your child to be accountable and to use his new skills with confidence around others.

When my kids eventually graduate, it’s motivating for all of them to see the results of all that hard work in themselves and each other.

The finish line is near!

At this point in the journey, the sessions become a little more relaxed and a lot more conversational in nature. Kids can be great peer models for each other. We can talk about school, afterschool activities, favorite music, books, and movies.

Games include things like “Would You Rather,” “Heads Up,” or “Scattergories.” It’s all about games that would involve lots of conversation so that we work on those speech sounds in a more natural way.

My groups are a positive, friendly, and nurturing place where we all work on similar goals. The kids get to support each other as well as have fun all while keeping their speech goals in mind.

When your child is in group therapy, he or she is in the home stretch. This is a pretty exciting point in your child’s journey!

Let’s Work Together

Contact me for a free 20-minute consultation to discuss your child’s needs: (720) 808-0450.

We can talk about your concerns and see if my speech program and style are a great fit for your child. Take that first step to helping your child thrive by strengthening their communication skills.